The Decision


Big ol' announcement time!

So, anyone who knows me, my work, and how I do my work knows that I look at equity, anti-racism, inclusion, and combating anti-Blackness as work that can have a reverberative impact. What do I mean by reverberative impact? Initiating difficult conversations, implementing realistic initiatives, and guiding work that will stand the test of time, move organizations and institutions forward, and leave organizations in a position to maintain being actively anti-racist and equitable for years to come that impacts not just the employees of an organization but the communities they serve. I've been looking for a role like this for a few years now.

Today I wanna announce that I'm taking my South Beach!

Nah, I'm kidding. I'm taking my talents to Portland Community College!

Starting in June, I'll be joining PCC as an Organizational Development Representative. My work will be focused solely on addressing culture, anti-racism, equity, inclusion, and combating anti-Blackness. This won't be an easy job (being a Black guy talking about these topics in white workplaces never is) but it is an opportunity to create a reverberative impact that serves the community.

As a graduate of PCC, I am looking forward to seeing how I can help PCC navigate the uncomfortable waters of inequity, exclusion, and anti-Blackness to build a stronger culture!