Monday's Opening Thought: May 9, 2022

This week’s opening thought: Please take moments to disconnect from the weight of the world around us and focus on your mental, physical, and emotional health and joy.

I know the world is scary and dangerous. It’s easy for the things happening around us to permeate every part of our lives. Many of us are in a seemingly never-ending fight for our rights and autonomy against hateful people wielding what they call their religious convictions to harm. For many of us, our lives and our loved ones are at the whim of politicians and hate groups with no consequences or checks and balances for those causing harm. Depression and anxiety are real, and it is understandable if you’re struggling to stay afloat as the world burns. But you deserve to have time where you can disconnect and center on the things and people that bring you joy and energy. Don’t tether every waking moment of your day to news feeds. Yes, we need to fight and keep fighting, but you aren’t going to be fighting anything but health concerns if you don’t stop, breathe, and take care of yourself and your people.

Embrace joy.

Embrace you.

Embrace getting the support you need to center your mental, physical, and emotional health.

Sadly, this sh—we’re facing isn’t going anywhere. There’s a whole lot of fight ahead. I want you to be here so we can win these fights together.

Your people and those you fight for love you and want you to be here.

It's OK to take an afternoon, a morning, a day off. You deserve it. We all do.